Posts Tagged with “web-2.0”

Social Media in Plain English

Social Media in Plain English. Another great video by Lee LeFever

SocialRank: The Discovery Engine for the Blogosphere

Powered by SocialRankIn a few hours, a host of portals powered by will be unleashed on to the blogosphere. SocialRank is an algorithm that monitors millions of blogs of a topic and determining the hottest posts of the day by monitoring the attention of the blogosphere. Basically, its Digg + + Technorati all rolled into one, happening automatically and democratically via an advanced mathematical algorithm. SocialRank has the potential to be one of the greatest technologies of the internet since Google’s PageRank.

To see an example portal powered by SocialRank, check out Malaysia DailyVoices which aggregates blog posts from across Malaysia and picks out the most attention grabbing ones. For a full list of the 30 portals launching on 1 Oct, check out the SocialRank website.

SocialRank is the product of MindValley, an internet startup based in Malaysia. Yep, SocialRank is a made-in-Malaysia product. A few months ago I had the opportunity to visit MindValley and meet up with their founders who shared with me some of their plans for SocialRank. I wish them all the best because while I love sites like Digg that help us find interesting news online, I think there’s lots of evidence to suggest that it can be gamed easily. I like MindValley’s approach because they make use of a super smart algorithm, and we all loved the algorithm-powered Google don’t we?

Edited 1 Oct for accuracy. 

Slap in the Facebook

Wired says that all your photos, videos, etc on Facebook “is stranded in a walled garden, cut off from the rest of the web” and exhorts web users to “build your own Facebook”. I agree with their wish for an open social network… but build your own Facebook? Too much effort and gosh darn it – Facebook is too fun!

Web 2.0

I’ve been doing some research on Web 2.0 and while this video is an oldie, it’s still definitely a goodie.