Jackass of the week: Dato' Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor

I’m taking a page out of Daring Fireball here and I’m going to name Dato’ Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor as the jackass of the week. In fact, I believe his following comments qualify him for jackass of the month – no one’s going to top this easily.

National Chinese daily Sin Chew Daily reported Dato’ as saying:

“All bloggers are liars, they cheat people using all kinds of methods. From my understanding, out of 10,000 unemployed bloggers, 8,000 are women.”

He said that bloggers spread rumours, disrupt social harmony and many bloggers are slanderous and are cheating people with their blogs.

“All bloggers are not in favour of national unity. Our country has been successful because we are very tolerant with each other, if not, there will be civil war, the Malays will kill the Chinese, the Chinese will take revenge and kill the Malays, and the Indian will kill everyone.”

He urged the rakyat not to simply trust bloggers, and gamble our future away because the achievement we gain in the 50 years of independence is not an easy task.

Via Tony Pua, thanks for the heads up Jinny.

He’s obviously clueless about blogging and the claims he makes are completely unfounded. He probably never heard of bloggers until the NST decided to sue 2 prominent bloggers in Malaysia. His 2nd encounter with them must have been when an Indonesian journalist posted some unflattering things about Visit Malaysia year on her blog.

Meanwhile, June Tan, a Masters student doing her thesis on blogging and democracy in Malaysia compares her research findings with Tengku Adnan. Her findings are totally different.

Based on the above I would suggest that the only lying, slanderous person here is Tengku Adnan. He tells us not to gamble our future away by trusting bloggers. Would he rather have us gamble our future by trusting a loose cannon like him in the government?

Cylon Starbuck?

Hmmm.. Could Starbuck be a Cylon? Adam Nash says:

Right now, the only options are:

  1. Starbuck is dead. Finito. No mystery, just a girl in Raptor who went suicidal.
  2. Starbuck escaped. Some lame last-minute rescue or eject, picked up by a Cylon before dying.
  3. Starbuck is a Cylon. She wakes up in Season 4, resurrected, as one of the final Five, and becomes the fleets worst enemy because she knows them inside and out.

Can’t wait for the Finale!

Google busses

Google’s buses help its workers beat the rush

The company now ferries about 1,200 employees to and from Google daily–nearly one-fourth of its local work force–aboard 32 shuttle buses equipped with comfortable leather seats and wireless Internet access. Bicycles are allowed on exterior racks, and dogs on forward seats, or on their owners’ laps if the buses run full.

Man I wish I work for Google.

Bubblegum Dance

I hate this genre of music known as bubblegum dance, especially when my gym plays it the whole day long. Vengaboys, Aqua, Cartoons – how can you put up with them??

Goodbye Starbuck

StarbuckStarbuck, one of Battlestar Galactica‘s most-loved characters, died in ‘Maelstrom’ of Season 3 (S03E17) The episode title was aptly chosen and describes Starbuck’s turbulent life till its conclusion in a fireball over some unknown planet. I’m going to miss this crazy girl..

Further reading: Kara Thrace on Wikipedia and the Battlestar Wiki.


If your SmartTAG doesn’t register when crossing the first toll on the KL-Seremban highway, you’ll incur a penalty that depletes the amount of remaining credit left on your Touch ‘n Go card. Don’t ask me how I know.

Google Desktop beta 5

Just installed Google Desktop Beta 5. Don’t like the new design. It changes colour according to the background and when windows are maximised. It’s trying too hard and it’s annoying. Try it out for yourself and download it.

7Son Shoutout

J.C. Hutchins gives me a shoutout at the end of Episode 22 of his podcast for helping spread the word about his recent interview in the New York Times. It’s just a small mention, but it was a real honour to be mentioned alongside the likes of Cory Doctorow, Mur Lafferty, and Evo Terra. Glad I could help J.C.!


High definition bullshit.

The term “high definition,” most commonly used in consumer electronics to describe higher-resolution TV and video formats, has become a marketing catchphrase for everything from mascara to fireplace logs.

Marketers just aren’t as creative as they used to be.

iTunes 7.1

iTunes 7.1 and Quicktime 7.1.5 released. iTunes 7.1 adds AppleTV support, new full-screen Cover Flow (sweet!) and fixes compatibility issues with Windows Vista. Download them both today. Via TUAW.