7 Minutes of Terror: Curiosity Rover's Risky Mars Landing

On 5 August 2012, NASA sent a 1-ton robot rover to Mars and made a perfect landing, despite some incredible challenges. Check out the video and then follow the Mars rover on Twitter – @MarsCuriosity

Mike Elgan wrote a brilliant explanation on Apple’s legal strategy following its massive patent infringement lawsuit win over Samsung:

Yes, Samsung does innovate. And they also copy. And they make brand-focused products. And they make generic, commodity products. They do it all.

But Apple is a specialist. They make radically de-commoditized products exclusively. And part of their strategy is to fight the forces of commoditization.

And that’s why they sue

Source: Cult of Mac – Why Apple Sues

Custom DIY standing desk with Ergotron LX Dual Stacking Arm, made from IKEA NUMERÄR countertop

When I put together my original IKEA standing desk, I was still experimenting and wanted a solution where I could convert back into a regular sitting desk if necessary.

That solution worked well enough but it was never a long term solution. The biggest problem I had with it was that the computer screen was too far away from my face (the desk I used was 60cm deep) and I found myself leaning forwards to make out text on the screen. The desk was also pretty unstable and would begin to wobble if I was typing quickly.

So when I moved into my new home in late 2011, I began devising a more permanent and flexible solution. The result is this: a standing workstation made from an IKEA NUMERÄR countertop and an Ergotron LX Dual Stacking Arm.

My new standing desk is elbow height, with the awesome Ergotron LX Dual Stacking Arm

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Don't expect me to work for free

Dear friends

Many of you know that I’m a WordPress expert for hire. Therefore I know you don’t mean any harm when you ask me to look at your blog when you have problems, or when you invite me for coffee to “discuss your website”.

However you should know that WordPress puts food on my table, and feeds this little guy.

Photo credit: Pei Chyi’s Instagram feed

In light of this knowledge, if you are asking for my help, it would be nice if you say right upfront that you’re happy to pay me (and not act surprised or peeved when I send you a price quote).

This way your site gets taken care of (like a boss), I get paid, Zack has a happy tummy and we can stay friends. Everybody wins!

Thanks a lot for your support and understanding. I value our friendship! Sincerely,


Malaysian Parliament passes dumb amendment to the law that will screw you over. Learn up the facts and #Stop114A

What you need to know about #Stop114A in plain English

Imagine if someone posts a defamatory comment on your blog post. He’s the author, but under an amendment to the law passed by Parliament, you’d be held accountable. Also consider:

  • Maybe you offer free wifi at your business premises. Or someone logs on to your home wifi. They post something seditious through your internet connection, you had no idea what was going on.
  • Someone posts something libelous from your phone, iPad or laptop. Maybe it was stolen. Maybe someone was trying to get you into trouble. You had no idea what was going on.

Under the new amendment to the Evidence Act 1950, you have to prove your innocence in the matter. This amendment is called Section 114A – Presumption of Fact in Publication. In plain English, it presumes that you willingly published seditious or libelous content if it was traced back to your computer, website or internet connection.

Instead of being innocent until proven guilty, the amendment makes it so that you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent. Read More »

History of the Batmobiles

Batman is one of my all time favorite comic book characters. I’ve watched almost all of the Batman movies. There’s a documentary coming up about the Batmobiles and the picture above is taken from it.

My fave is the Tumbler Batmobile from the Christopher Nolan films. It’s so much more believable than the rest. I liked Tim Burton’s version as well, but Joel Schumacher’s Batmobiles make Batman look like some car crazy ah beng.

Congrats Dato' Lee Chong Wei on your Olympic silver! #TeamMalaysia


Last Sunday, I was united with millions of other Malaysians for one cause: cheering on Lee Chong Wei in the London 2012 Olympics Men’s Badminton Final.

Chong Wei produced a brilliant effort, but alas he was edged out by nemesis Lin Dan.

“I’m sorry,” Chong Wei tweeted after the match. The weight of a nation’s hopes for its first ever Olympic gold must have crushed him.

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Sennheiser PC36 review: High quality mid-range USB headset with microphone

I make quite a bit of Skype calls for work, and I occasionally make podcasts and screencasts which require me to record audio. I need a good multipurpose microphone headset that’s affordable, and having used the Sennheiser PC 36 for 2 weeks, I’m glad to say that it fits the bill. Here’s my uneducated and imbalanced Sennheiser PC36 review.

Summary: At USD60, this headset is an excellent mid-range USB headset with microphone for making VOIP calls, recording audio and listening to music. Highly recommended if you’re not a fussy audiophile.

Sound Quality

It’s not the best quality headset mic you can buy, but it’s not the cheapest either. The Sennheiser PC 36 holds it’s own against the other microphones that I have – a Logitech Clear Chat Pro, a MXL USB.006 condenser microphone and my MacBook’s built-in mic. Listen to how it sounds in this 5-minute audio clip I made.

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Crabs for birthday dinner *burp* #instablog

via Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NV_kGRkNhn/

Fantastical vs Quickcal

I’ve been evaluating Fantastical and Quickcal side by side for the past week. I would have gone with the cheaper Quickcal, but Fantastical’s CALDAV syncing won me over. I might switch to Quickcal when they do add CALDAV syncing.