Category “Asides”

Animated Calvin and Hobbes

Animator Adam Brown made an animated comic from one of my favorite comics growing up, Calvin and Hobbes. Brings back memories of Miss Wormwood the teacher and Susie the clever girl. Makes me feel like buying Calvin and Hobbes box setMore details here.

"Getting Things Done" system explained

Found this via the Productivity community on Google+. I have been practicing the Getting Things Done (GTD) system for… 9 years now I think. I use it because there are so many things that demand my attention every day I need a way to put them all in a trusted system so that I can get back to them later. This way I can let my attention be engaged by the important things in life, not in the minutiae of the moment.

Unfortunately, the GTD system is a little difficult to understand. So this video is a great 2-minute primer. If you need to un-jam your to-do lists, give the Getting Things Done system a try.

One way to get Instagram followers…

I avoid talking politics but Najib’s ads and promo tactics are becoming too invasive. From ads on my favorite sites, personalized mailers, to Chinese New Year TV ads, or banners on lamp posts, or his henchmen are sending me SMSes, I’m sick of his face.

So that's how you make coffee art!

With a popsicle stick and toothpick

Video of meteor streaking through Russian skies

Just a day before Asteroid 2012 DA14 was to fly by the Earth, a meteor streaked through the Ural region in Russa and crashed somewhere in Chelyabinsk. Full report on Russia Today – Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, up to 1,200 injured

Related: Why Almost Everyone in Russia Has a Dash Cam. Yup I was wondering that too.

Happy Chinese New Year from the Wang family #instablog

via Instagram

Automatically #instablog-ed with IFTTT

Guide to understanding the introverted

Click to view full infographic

I consider myself an introvert, so I can vouch for the accuracy of this infographic. Please read to understand your introverted friends!

Tour of the International Space Station

Maybe not quite Star Trek but very cool to see how real astronauts live and work in space nonetheless.

Nice list of rules for when I get a smart phone for Zack. Don’t agree completely with all of them but they are good guidelines to form my own. Original page here.

Bill Erickson shares a few thoughts about the benefits of running a consulting / service-based business. His post is in response to the notion that product-based business models are more scalable and therefore profitable.

Bill covers the pros and cons of the consulting business model, and what people frequently forget when thinking about product-based business models. One thing resonated with me:

As a service provider, find the more scalable aspects of your business and focus on them. Likewise, find the aspects that are less scalable and decrease your focus on them.

This is something that I’ve been working on at ClickWP. In service-based business models, decreasing focus on the less scalable aspects are usually handled by automation. However it’s important to remember not to automate too much because your business will become cold and your relationship becomes transactional, when customers frequently choose you over other vendors because of that high-touch relationship.