Category “Asides”

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Zack is quickly developing his own personality and style. Look at the cheeky fella here at Sunday school. *Heart melt*

Update Nov 2016: I no longer recommend Site5; see: The Sinking of Site5

At the beginning of 2011, I began hosting my websites on Site5. I have been singing their praises and recommending everyone I know to them. Today iThemes publicly announced their endorsement of Site5 hosting (and how terrible Hostgator is too). I’m really excited about the development because iThemes is a major WordPress plugins and themes vendor, so their endorsement confirms my feelings about Site5. Also, the CEOs of both companies have been communicating directly which will hopefully result in even better WordPress compatibility with Site5. Check out the announcement post, Site5 has a 6-month free trial (!) for the iThemes community.

Ben Brooks writes about a problem that many blogs and news sites have – too many things that distract the site visitor from reading. I share a similar opinion which is why I have removed all the ads from my site and reduced the design as much as possible. It’s a good read if you are considering a new design for your blog.

The most epic bowl of Maggi noodles I've ever seen


How do you turn an ordinary bowl of instant noodles into an epic one? By adding a humongous crab to the bowl of course!

The most epic bowl of Maggi noodles I’ve ever seen, courtesy of my friend Ezak’s Facebook photos.

The Home Work podcast is my new favorite podcast. Its a show for people who work from home, whether freelancer or telecommuter hosted by Aaron Mahnke and Dave Caolo. The hosts are super consistent with their schedule, the length of each shows is just right and the hosts offer very practical and useful advice, even for a experienced home warriors like me. It’s also great to listen to other people discuss the issues of people who work from home because you get that sense of community and that you’re not so alone. Do check out the show and other shows on 70 Decibels network.

Zack watching TV like a boss #instablog

via Instagram

My Nike+ FuelBand rocks

Totally enjoying this fun little gadget. It’s not only fun, it’s helping me spend less time sitting on my bum!

Hit my Nike Fuel goal for today for the 1st time ever!

Disable shortcodes for ElegantThemes

Go to ePanel/custom-functions.php and remove:

require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php');

Updated June 4, 2014

The above code will get overwritten when you update the theme, so it’s best to contain your modifications in a child theme. In your child theme’s functions.php file, add this:

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'add_remove_et_features', 15 );

function add_remove_et_features() {

function child_activate_features(){
    /* activate shortcodes */
    // comment out or delete the line below to disable shortcodes
    // require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php');

    /* activate page templates */
    require_once(get_template_directory() . '/epanel/page_templates/page_templates.php');

    /* import epanel settings */
    require_once(get_template_directory() . '/epanel/import_settings.php');

However I recommend that you don’t use ElegantThemes. Sure they’re cheap, but they don’t offer Automatic Updates which makes their themes pretty insecure and vulnerable to hackers. Elegant Themes finally includes automatic updates as of Dec 2013.

If you want high quality themes with rock solid security and top-notch support, go with StudioPress or WooThemes.

7 Minutes of Terror: Curiosity Rover's Risky Mars Landing

On 5 August 2012, NASA sent a 1-ton robot rover to Mars and made a perfect landing, despite some incredible challenges. Check out the video and then follow the Mars rover on Twitter – @MarsCuriosity

Mike Elgan wrote a brilliant explanation on Apple’s legal strategy following its massive patent infringement lawsuit win over Samsung:

Yes, Samsung does innovate. And they also copy. And they make brand-focused products. And they make generic, commodity products. They do it all.

But Apple is a specialist. They make radically de-commoditized products exclusively. And part of their strategy is to fight the forces of commoditization.

And that’s why they sue

Source: Cult of Mac – Why Apple Sues