video Post Archives

Angry Birds Peace Treaty

I have a confession: I’m an Angry Birds fan. I even want the plush toys but the shipping is too expensive.
Warning, may be NSFW

Zachary does the commando crawl

In this past week, Zack finally figured out how to be coordinated enough to push himself forward commando crawl style.

Fat cat & small boxes

This really made me laugh. The poor cat looked so confused and yet so determined to squeeze into the box!

Zachary rolls over

Zack was exhausted after all the effort in rolling over

You can’t imagine how proud Pei Chyi & I are as parents 🙂

Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us [VIDEO]

Great video exploring what motivates people. I’m inclined to believe that the video’s findings are true, since I’m someone who’s not really motivated by money.

Can you drastically change how WordPress looks in 10 minutes? The Headway theme can!

I’m a user and big fan of the Headway Premium WordPress theme. This blog is made with Headway. I’ve been wanting to do a review of it and so I challenged myself to customise the default Headway style into a business website – all in 10 minutes. Check the video out and let me know what you think.

I followed that up with a full review of Headway and why I think it’s a great solution for small businesses. Check out my Headway theme review on the Buzzmedia blog:

WordPress for small business – even better with the Headway Premium WordPress Theme

Headway Premium WordPress Theme

Hide status updates from Facebook apps, not your friends

I find it irritating when I log in and see status updates from apps that my friends are using. If you feel the same, here’s how you can hide these updates without blocking your friends.

Itchy-faced kid does cover of I'm Yours

Found this on Twitter, linked from Jason Mraz’s blog. Cute little kid

Someone please Pimp My Broadband

Here’s a quick video I put together today for the Pimp My Broadband campaign. I made it with a JVC MPEG video camcorder, an IKEA lamp and iMovie on my Mac.

Think you can do better? Or maybe you deserve a MacBook and broadband? Please take part in the contest then.

Otherwise, help me out and vote for the video (daily, as often as you can) on the Pimp My Broadband site. Thanks!

Social Media in Plain English

Social Media in Plain English. Another great video by Lee LeFever